Saturday, June 25, 2011

Howdy Folks:) Sue Relays Asked Me to Post My Results Here

I got to know Sue when she visited the Colorectal Board - she's been a good friend and terrific supporter to me. And since she does not get over to our side very much anymore, she asked me if I would post my results over Here so she could see them. I hope you don't mind.
From Sue:
"Will be waiting to see your results. Will you post on the anal board as well??"
This is a long post but covers the past year of my fight, currently at 7-years, Se IV.
Grab something to drink and you're welcome to read along with Sue. And maybe Joanne will show up Here - I miss her to and met her on the other board when she first got here.
Ok, Sue and everybody Here we go!
“SUNDANCE vs CANCER” – The results Post
Faster than a speeding locomotive – Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound – Look! – Up in the air! – It’s a bird! – It’s a plane! – It’s…’s……awww $hit, it’s only SundanceHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
LOLHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
The “Betting Windows” are now officially closed, so I hope you got your wagers down – there was sure plenty of timeHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
Well, this is finally the post that I have waited for and waited to write. And also the one that many of you have waited for as well. Almost a year in the making and through it all, it has been a “Watershed Moment” in my journey.
I suppose when I reflect back on it, we could say that it’s the most influential battle of my entire campaign. There was much at stake to be won or lost. It carried huge significance as I motored on toward my 7th year of this incredible saga. And all the time, never knowing exactly which way the battle was going to go. Would I win? Or would I begin to slip?
The stakes we were playing for was my very existence, which I believe we can all agree, is worth playing for. The difference is we had to fight like there was never going to be tomorrow – because that’s always in the cards and is the key component that weighs so heavily on all of our minds.
It’s a funny feeling looking back on this past year. In many ways, it still feels like yesterday – and then on the other side, it seems like a lifetime ago.
Cancer played a dirty little trick on me this time. We know he does not play fair and is a dirty fighter. He used the DaVinci tumors the time before, to lull us into a false sense of complacency while he stealthily hid behind my lungs and gathered his forces, before he could again announce his presence in my body for this last year’s fight.
When I was still in the hospital after this lung surgery, I remember a nurse bringing me my pathology report. Even dazed on morphine and with blurred eyesight, I could still make out the words…”Colorectal Mets to Lung.”
And I remember thinking, “Now, you’ve showed yourself, you SOB!” I sat up in bed and thought, “I’ve got you now.” You’ve just kicked the sleeping dog – you just woke up the Gentle Giant. So, once again, it’s “officially back on.”
Strangely though, I felt some sense of comfort in those words, in the fact that I again knew what I was going back up against….there was no guessing anymore, there it was in the report. It was time once more to “get my mind right to fight.”
Once I found out the surgery did not completely remove the malignant tumors, I knew it was going to a really long and hard road, with no shortcuts. I was going to have to go all in and gut this one out for the long haul, if I was to have a chance at any kind of victory.
You all know there were times when it looked like I was beaten. Down and out for the count is what’s ahead for our good old Sundance, folks were probably thinking – put a fork in him, he’s done. But then again, you don’t know SundanceHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
I’ve always said I may “bend or waver” during the fight, but that I would never “break.”
Maybe that’s not an entirely true statement. Perhaps, it depends on what your definition of “break” is. In fact, Cancer had me beaten and on my knees begging for either “Death or Mercy.” It had me beaten at the time, but not broken for the long haul of the fight.
“The CURE” had me beaten as well this time , but I stayed strong enough to complete the entire protocol “by the numbers.” It was really difficult this time to mentally and physically step through all the obstacles that stood in our way. As I’ve said before, it gets a little harder to keep taking the pounding, the longer you stay in the fight.
The mind and heart are still willing – but the body just doesn’t “bounce” like it used to. I think this is the biggest difference in an old veteran fighter vs the newly diagnosed.
While the surgeries and treatments have compromised our bodies, we learn we must adapt and use our experience and smarts to fight on, instead of relying on a new body that is just starting out.
My medical team continuously put the foot on the gas and we were very aggressive in our treatment plan and there was no time to rest. We relentlessly pursued our target and stayed in the attack mode the entire time.
Oh yes, I can be beaten – I can be hurt – I can bleed – I can hurt – I can suffer. I am just a mortal man, composed of blood & flesh..
However, on the other side of the coin, I can also be tenacious – persistent – stubborn – and relentless in my own pursuit. My horoscope is “Cancer, the Crab.” I’m a “July Baby.”
We’re loveable, friendly, and loyal – but when fuc*ed with, we raise our pinschers and will snap you. We’re a very formidable force to reckon with. When we hit back, it hurts too, just like we were hurt. We only fight when provoked though and let’s face it, Cancer does provoke us, doesn’t it?
Here’s the last topic I wanted to discuss. Let’s talk about our roommate – HOPE.
What an interesting fella’ this guy is, am I right?
He’s very elusive and if we’re not real careful, he can just slip out of our fingertips and just be gone. And when he goes, he’s sometimes hard to find again. And when Hope moves out, Depression can move in – then he invites Despair, Hopelessness and Loneliness to the party, and from there our lives can disappear and become nothing but existence.
And that’s a very bad place to be – especially for too long. I know, because I spent 9-months with all of these guys this year. They are not nice “house guests.” They try to rob you of that thing that we call “Our Lives.”
And then it becomes up to us to take back back what was so wrongly taken from us. Each of us must do that and find a way to get Hope moved back in with us, so we can flourish and feel optimism.
What is my definition of Hope?
I’ve come to think of Hope as that “Intangible element of humanity that we cannot see, but one that we feel.”
It’s the single common denominator that every single one of us has inside. It’s the driving force behind our individualism and more importantly, the one thing that we “Cling To” and “Reach For” in times of dire circumstances that beset each of us, somewhere in our lifetime.
As the old saying goes, “Let’s Keep Hope Alive!”
Hey, let’s go down to ringside right now, looks like Michael Buffer is about to announce “The Decision.” Who came out on top? Sundance or Cancer?
“Ladies and Gentlemen! The Winner by KO and still the Undefeated Cancer Champion of the World, with a 3-0 title defense, is……….your very own…….SUNDANCE! “
LOLHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
And the crowd goes WILD……….Howdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post !!!
For any of you that bet against me…….”Suckerzzzz!” LOLHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
That’s right folks – 3 recurrences Up and 3 recurrences Down – just like in ball, huh?
We did it again. We knocked Cancer “Back into the Shadows” once more. He’s gone back into hiding, licking his wounds, while I lick mine. But, we got Him down right now. You read the BAD in my other post…….and now for something completely different, Here is the GOOD:
1. Colon and Rectum = Clear
2. Liver = Clear
3. Lungs = All ClearHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
Many of you might recall in my Thanksgiving Message to my Cancer, that I said, “I am down right now – but when I get up, I’m coming – and He11 was coming with me.
Well, with Big Billy by my side, we “Huffed and we Puffed”…and we “Blew the Doors to the Gates of He11 Wide Open!”
What looked like a highly improbable, if not impossible mission at the beginning of this fight, has come to a successful conclusion. I know how fortunate I am to be on the “positive side of the ledger” right now. It sure could have gone either way, but somehow we are on top right now.
We’re officially back to “Watching and Waiting.” I’ll talk to NED, if I make it “clean” for 5-years, with no further recurrences….. (June 2016).
So, it does not get much better than this….am I right?
I thought the balloons were supposed to fall out of the ceiling about now? Why isn’t the band playing? Where’s the cake and ice cream? Where is Jennie with my margaritas?
LOLHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
Since I can’t get to any of you right now…we’ll just have to have a “Cyber Celebration!” I need some folks to share in this joy with me. It will mean more if I have all of you around me in the “same room.”
So, what’s next for Sundance?
I’m going to Disneyworld!...................................Not !
I’ll be lucky to get to Chicago for CP9 – with this very meaningful victory, it is my sincerest hope that I can make it there and get some lovin’ from my honeysHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
What’s next is instead of escaping Cancer, I’m going to jump back into the deep end of the pool and go back to the beginning of the journey – first chapter titled “The Diagnosis.”
I want to jump on getting this written now, while the wounds are fresh and the feelings raw. I’m excited about making this a reality – now publishing will be another story – coming to an Amazon Kindle near you?
I’ll close this post with these final thoughts…..
On the day that Donna (Shayenne) aka “My Chicky” passed away, I posted on that thread that Her Lion had roared for the final time.
A beautiful chapter in my life and on this board and a real life story of friendship had come to a tragic and painful end. On this day a part of me died with her –Her Lion was dead and gone, and yet the memories still remained, but were now forever buried deep within the archives of the CSN posts.
This is a day where I wished Chicky were still Here with us – certainly a story she would have loved to hear about and rejoice in. I will miss not seeing her post in this thread.
In honor of her memory and to bookmark this momentous occasion, Donna’s Lion “ROARZZZZ” one more timeHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post Miss you, Chicky.
This one was for myself, but also for the Semi;Colon Nation. I stand before you as a living testimony to what Cancer “Can and Cannot” do to us. It will never be easy, but you too can do this. I’ll stand proudly beside each one of you and be with you for each stop in your journey. Don’t be afraid – get mad – get even – and get out there and fight!
I understand less and less as time goes by – have no idea of why I’m still Here after 7 years of battling this stuff. Don’t understand why my friends did not make it, but I am still here. I suppose I’ll never know.
And Cancer may indeed catch me one day – but guess what? It won’t be TODAY!!!
All of you know that Sundance is not the kind of guy that “Goes Quietly into the Night.”
I carry all of your hopes and dreams with me in my heart. I have the deepest respect and admiration for each one of you Here – both past and present. You are the finest group of people I know and I’m proud to know you all.
All of you are Winners – and Cancer will never, ever take that away from you! With all of the love I can muster, I thank you for staying with me and you are all in my thoughts, in my heart, and in my dreams. Semi;Colons Rock!
Craig and Big Billy
“Team Sundance

Medifocus Guidebook on Peripheral Neuropathy

What is peripheral Neuropathy?
The nervous system controls the smooth functioning of all systems in the body as well as all interactions between the human being and the environment. The nervous system is comprised of millions of neurons that are interconnected and form a communications network within the body that governs many vital functions including:
  • The five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste)
  • Voluntary functions (e.g. walking, holding an )
  • Involuntary functions (e.g. breathing, blood pressure)
  • Cognitive reasoning
The human nervous system has two major components:
  • Central nervous system - includes the brain and spinal cord
  • Peripheral nervous system - includes the nerves that lead from the brain and spinal cord to all parts of the body. An extensive system of specialized nerves makes up the peripheral nervous system which is responsible for a variety of important functions. These specialized nerves include:
    • motor nerves which carry messages from the brain to the body and are responsible for the ability to move any part of the body (e.g., hands, feet)
    • sensory nerves which carry information from organs to the central nervous system where it is processed into sensation (e.g., touch, temperature changes, and vibrations)
    • nerves that control autonomic (involuntary) functions including heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, digestion, and bladder function
Peripheral neuropathy is a term used to describe damage to nerves of the peripheral nervous system which leads to symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, burning, and weakness most commonly affecting the hands and feet. peripheral neuropathy can be caused by a variety of precipitating factors including trauma, infection, diabetes, alcohol abuse, and cancer chemotherapy.
The incidence of peripheral neuropathy is not known with any degree of certainty. It has been estimated that approximately 2 to 3 million Americans have some form of peripheral neuropathy. The prevalence of peripheral neuropathy worldwide has been estimated to range from 2% to 8% of the population. peripheral neuropathy affects both genders at all ages but symptoms are unique to each individual in terms of frequency, quality, and severity of pain. Idiopathic peripheral neuropathy typically affects adults over the age of 50. peripheral neuropathy can significantly impact an individual's quality of life and daily activities by causing major disruptions including:
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Mood changes
  • Impairment of social, occupational, and recreational functioning
Knowledge is Critical when Dealing with a Life-Altering Condition such as peripheral Neuropathy
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, it's critical to learn everything you possibly can about this condition so that you can make informed decisions about your treatment. That's why we created the Medifocus guidebook on peripheral Neuropathy, a comprehensive 187 page patient guidebook that contains vital information about peripheral neuropathy that you won't find anywhere in a single source.
The Medifocus guidebook on peripheral Neuropathy starts out with a detailed overview of the condition and quickly imparts fundamentally important information about peripheral neuropathy, including:
  • The underlying causes and risk factors for developing peripheral neuropathy, which include:
    • Diabetes
    • Autoimmune disorders
    • bolic disorders
    • Hereditary disorders
    • Infectious diseases
    • Alcohol abuse
    • Trauma
    • Cancer chemotherapy
  • The different types of peripheral neuropathy that can occur d on the pattern of nerve involvement and the distribution of pain, which include:
    • Mononeuropathy
    • Mononeuropathy multiplex
    • Polyneuropathy
  • The signs and symptoms associated with peripheral neuropathy d on the specific underlying cause, when known.
  • How peripheral neuropathy is diagnosed d on a variety of factors and diagnostic tests including:
    • Signs and symptoms
    • Patient history and physical examination
    • Pattern of distribution of pain along sensory or motor nerves
    • Special electrodiagnostic studies, such as nerve conduction tests and electromyography (a test which measures the response of muscles to electrical stimulation)
Understanding the Standard Treatments...and the Treatment Options
The primary goals of treatment for peripheral neuropathy include accomplishing the following ives:
  • Determining and treating the underlying cause of the condition, if possible.
  • Controlling and alleviating pain and other bothersome symptoms associated with the condition.
  • Preserving function of the affected limbs, such as the hands and/or feet.
  • Preventing a significant decrease in the patient's quality of life.
An important aspect for successfully achieving these goals is understanding the treatments - and the treatment options - for peripheral neuropathy. As you read through the section of the guidebook that focuses on the treatment of peripheral neuropathy, you will specifically learn about:
  • The management of peripheral neuropathy in patients where the underlying cause can be identified, such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, infectious diseases, nerve compression, and cancer chemotherapy.
  • The major types of medications that are often prescribed to relieve pain associated with peripheral neuropathy, which include:
    • Antidepressants
    • Anticonvulsants
    • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
    • Narcotic analgesics
    • Topical agents such as capsaicin and lidocaine patches
  • The treatment options that are available for controlling pain that does not adequately respond to drug therapy, including nerve blocks with local anesthetics and spinal cord stimulation.
  • The role of physical and occupational therapy in functional rehabilitation of patients with peripheral neuropathy.
  • The role of complementary and alternative therapies in the management of peripheral neuropathy.
  • The impact of peripheral neuropathy on the patient's psychological well-being and quality of life, including aspects such as:
    • Anxiety and depression
    • Social relationships
    • Activities of daily living
    • Employment issues
    • Sleep disturbances
    • Recreational activities
    • Feelings of self-worth
  • Practical tips and suggestions for how to minimize the negative impact of peripheral neuropathy on your quality of life and learn how to better cope with the condition.
  • Important questions to ask your doctor about peripheral neuropathy.
A "One-of-a-Kind" Reference guidebook on peripheral neuropathy that Goes Way Beyond the Fundamentals
Since 1996, when medifocus was founded, we've learned that many people with peripheral neuropathy are seeking more specific information that goes beyond the fundamentals, such as the causes, diagnosis, standard treatments, and treatment options. That's why we developed a "one-of-a-kind" reference guidebook that goes way beyond the basics and also includes the following sections:
  • A Guide to Recent Medical Literature on peripheral Neuropathy - This section of the guidebook contains an extensive bibliography of over 100 references to recently published articles about peripheral neuropathy in authoritative, peer-reviewed medical journals with links to the absracts (summaries) of the articles. These articles represent the latest advances in the field and focus on cutting-edge research, new developments, and the lessons learned from recently published clinical trials involving patients with peripheral Neuropathy. This is the same level of that is used by doctors who treat people with peripheral neuropathy to keep abreast of the latest developments and breakthroughs in this specialized field of medicine.
  • Centers of Research for peripheral Neuropathy - We've compiled a unique directory of doctors, hospitals, medical centers, and research institutions with special interest and, in many cases, clinical expertise in managing people with peripheral Neuropathy. The "Centers of Research" directory is a valuable resource for quickly identifying and locating leading medical authorities and medical institutions both within the United States and other countries who are considered to be at the forefront in clinical research and treatment of peripheral Neuropathy. You'd have to spend days - or even weeks - attempting to compile your own list of doctors and medical centers but, with the "Centers of Research" directory, the information is already right at your fingertips. All you have to do is act on the information by selecting and contacting the experts or medical institutions listed in the directory by state and country.
  • Organizations and Support Groups for peripheral Neuropathy - The guidebook also includes a directory of organizations and support groups whose goal is to help people with peripheral neuropathy by providing access to information, resources, and services. Many of these organizations can answer your specific questions, enable you to "network" with other patients, and provide guidance in areas such as financial, social, or medical-legal issues. This valuable directory of organizations and support groups includes complete contact information, including phone numbers and E-mail addresses.
The guidebook is a Value-Added Proposition that Comes with a Risk-Free Satisfaction Guarantee so that...You have Nothing to Lose and Everything to Gain
Still not sure if you'll benefit from the Medifocus guidebook on peripheral Neuropathy? Still not convinced that the information included in the guidebook is worth the minimal cost? If that's the case, then please consider the following value-added proposition that comes standard with your purchase of the Guidebook:
  • Free Updates for One Year - With your initial purchase of the Guidebook, you also receive access to free updates for one-full year. The guidebook is updated with new information every 4 to 6 months, so that you will be able to access the updated information several times during the course of a year for up to one full year after the date of your initial purchase.
  • Free Digest E-Mail Alerts - When you purchase the Guidebook, you will also automatically receive a free subion to our monthly newsletter - the Medifocus Digest Alert for peripheral Neuropathy. This is an expertly selected listing of the latest articles published in the medical literature about peripheral neuropathy with convenient links to the abstracts of the articles that focus on cutting-edge research, clinical trials, and the latest treatment advances. The Medifocus Digest Alert for peripheral Neuropathy is automatically delivered straight to your "inbox" monthly and is a valuable resource for keeping up with the latest developments in peripheral neuropathy almost as soon as the new information is published in the medical literature.
  • 10% Discount - For a limited time, you can purchase the Medifocus guidebook on peripheral Neuropathy at a special 10% discount off the regular list price. Your 10% discount will automatically be applied when you go to "Checkout".
  • Risk-Free Satisfaction Guarantee - Your purchase comes with our RISK-FREE satisfaction guarantee. If, for whatever reason, you are not totally satisfied with the of your Guidebook, simply contact us within 30-days of your purchase for a prompt, full refund. We are so confident that you will be satisfied with your guidebook that we offer this RISK-FREE satisfaction guarantee unconditionally - no questions and no hassles

Howdy Folks:) Sue Relays Asked Me to Post My Results Here

got to know Sue when she visited the Colorectal Board - she's been a good friend and terrific supporter to me. And since she does not get over to our side very much anymore, she asked me if I would post my results over Here so she could see them. I hope you don't mind.
From Sue:
"Will be waiting to see your results. Will you post on the anal board as well??"
This is a long post but covers the past year of my fight, currently at 7-years, Se IV.
Grab something to drink and you're welcome to read along with Sue. And maybe Joanne will show up Here - I miss her to and met her on the other board when she first got here.
Ok, Sue and everybody Here we go!
“SUNDANCE vs CANCER” – The results Post
Faster than a speeding locomotive – Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound – Look! – Up in the air! – It’s a bird! – It’s a plane! – It’s…’s……awww $hit, it’s only SundanceHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
LOLHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
The “Betting Windows” are now officially closed, so I hope you got your wagers down – there was sure plenty of timeHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
Well, this is finally the post that I have waited for and waited to write. And also the one that many of you have waited for as well. Almost a year in the making and through it all, it has been a “Watershed Moment” in my journey.
I suppose when I reflect back on it, we could say that it’s the most influential battle of my entire campaign. There was much at stake to be won or lost. It carried huge significance as I motored on toward my 7th year of this incredible saga. And all the time, never knowing exactly which way the battle was going to go. Would I win? Or would I begin to slip?
The stakes we were playing for was my very existence, which I believe we can all agree, is worth playing for. The difference is we had to fight like there was never going to be tomorrow – because that’s always in the cards and is the key component that weighs so heavily on all of our minds.
It’s a funny feeling looking back on this past year. In many ways, it still feels like yesterday – and then on the other side, it seems like a lifetime ago.
Cancer played a dirty little trick on me this time. We know he does not play fair and is a dirty fighter. He used the DaVinci tumors the time before, to lull us into a false sense of complacency while he stealthily hid behind my lungs and gathered his forces, before he could again announce his presence in my body for this last year’s fight.
When I was still in the hospital after this lung surgery, I remember a nurse bringing me my pathology report. Even dazed on morphine and with blurred eyesight, I could still make out the words…”Colorectal Mets to Lung.”
And I remember thinking, “Now, you’ve showed yourself, you SOB!” I sat up in bed and thought, “I’ve got you now.” You’ve just kicked the sleeping dog – you just woke up the Gentle Giant. So, once again, it’s “officially back on.”
Strangely though, I felt some sense of comfort in those words, in the fact that I again knew what I was going back up against….there was no guessing anymore, there it was in the report. It was time once more to “get my mind right to fight.”
Once I found out the surgery did not completely remove the malignant tumors, I knew it was going to a really long and hard road, with no shortcuts. I was going to have to go all in and gut this one out for the long haul, if I was to have a chance at any kind of victory.
You all know there were times when it looked like I was beaten. Down and out for the count is what’s ahead for our good old Sundance, folks were probably thinking – put a fork in him, he’s done. But then again, you don’t know SundanceHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
I’ve always said I may “bend or waver” during the fight, but that I would never “break.”
Maybe that’s not an entirely true statement. Perhaps, it depends on what your definition of “break” is. In fact, Cancer had me beaten and on my knees begging for either “Death or Mercy.” It had me beaten at the time, but not broken for the long haul of the fight.
“The CURE” had me beaten as well this time , but I stayed strong enough to complete the entire protocol “by the numbers.” It was really difficult this time to mentally and physically step through all the obstacles that stood in our way. As I’ve said before, it gets a little harder to keep taking the pounding, the longer you stay in the fight.
The mind and heart are still willing – but the body just doesn’t “bounce” like it used to. I think this is the biggest difference in an old veteran fighter vs the newly diagnosed.
While the surgeries and treatments have compromised our bodies, we learn we must adapt and use our experience and smarts to fight on, instead of relying on a new body that is just starting out.
My medical team continuously put the foot on the gas and we were very aggressive in our treatment plan and there was no time to rest. We relentlessly pursued our target and stayed in the attack mode the entire time.
Oh yes, I can be beaten – I can be hurt – I can bleed – I can hurt – I can suffer. I am just a mortal man, composed of blood & flesh..
However, on the other side of the coin, I can also be tenacious – persistent – stubborn – and relentless in my own pursuit. My horoscope is “Cancer, the Crab.” I’m a “July Baby.”
We’re loveable, friendly, and loyal – but when fuc*ed with, we raise our pinschers and will snap you. We’re a very formidable force to reckon with. When we hit back, it hurts too, just like we were hurt. We only fight when provoked though and let’s face it, Cancer does provoke us, doesn’t it?
Here’s the last topic I wanted to discuss. Let’s talk about our roommate – HOPE.
What an interesting fella’ this guy is, am I right?
He’s very elusive and if we’re not real careful, he can just slip out of our fingertips and just be gone. And when he goes, he’s sometimes hard to find again. And when Hope moves out, Depression can move in – then he invites Despair, Hopelessness and Loneliness to the party, and from there our lives can disappear and become nothing but existence.
And that’s a very bad place to be – especially for too long. I know, because I spent 9-months with all of these guys this year. They are not nice “house guests.” They try to rob you of that thing that we call “Our Lives.”
And then it becomes up to us to take back back what was so wrongly taken from us. Each of us must do that and find a way to get Hope moved back in with us, so we can flourish and feel optimism.
What is my definition of Hope?
I’ve come to think of Hope as that “Intangible element of humanity that we cannot see, but one that we feel.”
It’s the single common denominator that every single one of us has inside. It’s the driving force behind our individualism and more importantly, the one thing that we “Cling To” and “Reach For” in times of dire circumstances that beset each of us, somewhere in our lifetime.
As the old saying goes, “Let’s Keep Hope Alive!”
Hey, let’s go down to ringside right now, looks like Michael Buffer is about to announce “The Decision.” Who came out on top? Sundance or Cancer?
“Ladies and Gentlemen! The Winner by KO and still the Undefeated Cancer Champion of the World, with a 3-0 title defense, is……….your very own…….SUNDANCE! “
LOLHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
And the crowd goes WILD……….Howdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post !!!
For any of you that bet against me…….”Suckerzzzz!” LOLHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
That’s right folks – 3 recurrences Up and 3 recurrences Down – just like in ball, huh?
We did it again. We knocked Cancer “Back into the Shadows” once more. He’s gone back into hiding, licking his wounds, while I lick mine. But, we got Him down right now. You read the BAD in my other post…….and now for something completely different, Here is the GOOD:
1. Colon and Rectum = Clear
2. Liver = Clear
3. Lungs = All ClearHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
Many of you might recall in my Thanksgiving Message to my Cancer, that I said, “I am down right now – but when I get up, I’m coming – and He11 was coming with me.
Well, with Big Billy by my side, we “Huffed and we Puffed”…and we “Blew the Doors to the Gates of He11 Wide Open!”
What looked like a highly improbable, if not impossible mission at the beginning of this fight, has come to a successful conclusion. I know how fortunate I am to be on the “positive side of the ledger” right now. It sure could have gone either way, but somehow we are on top right now.
We’re officially back to “Watching and Waiting.” I’ll talk to NED, if I make it “clean” for 5-years, with no further recurrences….. (June 2016).
So, it does not get much better than this….am I right?
I thought the balloons were supposed to fall out of the ceiling about now? Why isn’t the band playing? Where’s the cake and ice cream? Where is Jennie with my margaritas?
LOLHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
Since I can’t get to any of you right now…we’ll just have to have a “Cyber Celebration!” I need some folks to share in this joy with me. It will mean more if I have all of you around me in the “same room.”
So, what’s next for Sundance?
I’m going to Disneyworld!...................................Not !
I’ll be lucky to get to Chicago for CP9 – with this very meaningful victory, it is my sincerest hope that I can make it there and get some lovin’ from my honeysHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post
What’s next is instead of escaping Cancer, I’m going to jump back into the deep end of the pool and go back to the beginning of the journey – first chapter titled “The Diagnosis.”
I want to jump on getting this written now, while the wounds are fresh and the feelings raw. I’m excited about making this a reality – now publishing will be another story – coming to an Amazon Kindle near you?
I’ll close this post with these final thoughts…..
On the day that Donna (Shayenne) aka “My Chicky” passed away, I posted on that thread that Her Lion had roared for the final time.
A beautiful chapter in my life and on this board and a real life story of friendship had come to a tragic and painful end. On this day a part of me died with her –Her Lion was dead and gone, and yet the memories still remained, but were now forever buried deep within the archives of the CSN posts.
This is a day where I wished Chicky were still Here with us – certainly a story she would have loved to hear about and rejoice in. I will miss not seeing her post in this thread.
In honor of her memory and to bookmark this momentous occasion, Donna’s Lion “ROARZZZZ” one more timeHowdy Folks:) Relays Asked Post Miss you, Chicky.
This one was for myself, but also for the Semi;Colon Nation. I stand before you as a living testimony to what Cancer “Can and Cannot” do to us. It will never be easy, but you too can do this. I’ll stand proudly beside each one of you and be with you for each stop in your journey. Don’t be afraid – get mad – get even – and get out there and fight!
I understand less and less as time goes by – have no idea of why I’m still Here after 7 years of battling this stuff. Don’t understand why my friends did not make it, but I am still here. I suppose I’ll never know.
And Cancer may indeed catch me one day – but guess what? It won’t be TODAY!!!
All of you know that Sundance is not the kind of guy that “Goes Quietly into the Night.”
I carry all of your hopes and dreams with me in my heart. I have the deepest respect and admiration for each one of you Here – both past and present. You are the finest group of people I know and I’m proud to know you all.
All of you are Winners – and Cancer will never, ever take that away from you! With all of the love I can muster, I thank you for staying with me and you are all in my thoughts, in my heart, and in my dreams. Semi;Colons Rock!
Craig and Big Billy
“Team Sundance”

Vitamin C, vital for your healthy body

January 2011

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for your body. It prevents a lot of diseases, and increases your body’s immune system. You can take this Vitamin with or without any food, as it can be found in supplement form or in many different juices. Along with being found in supplement and Vitamin form, you can find Vitamin C in broccoli, peppers, oranges, lemon juice, mustard greens, cauliflower, papaya, and parsley.
Research in the past has shown that there really aren’t any advanes to taking excessive amounts of this vitamin. Even though you shouldn’t take excessive amounts of Vitamin C, you shouldn’t have a deficiency in the Vitamin either. The most common signs of a deficiency in Vitamin C include swollen gums, an unexplained weakness, and nosebleeds. Deficiency is common these days, with the most common reasons being alcoholism and a poor diet.
Tendons and ligaments throughout your body need Vitamin C in order to remain healthy and strong. Depending on your current health situation, it may be in your best interest to take Vitamin C supplements along with Vitamin E. Together, the combination of the two will work side by side, and enhance their overall impact on your body and your health.
Vitamin C is well known as an antioxidant, protecting your skin from the harmful damage of UV rays. If you skin suffers from radiation damage, Vitamin C can actually help your skin to recover and reverse some of the harmful effects. If you include Vitamin C in your diet and take it every day, you’ll notice that your skin will benefit. If you use Vitamin E and C together, you’ll notice that scars and other harmful defects on your skin will start to heal as well.
You can find Vitamin C in many fruits and vegetables, although oranges will give you the most amounts. Orange juice is a great way to get your daily dose of Vitamin C, as all you need to do is drink a few glasses of it a day. Even if you drink a glass of orange juice in the morning with your breakfast then eat a few oranges during the day, you’ll get more than enough Vitamin C.
If you want to get more Vitamin C in your diet, you can use Vitamin supplements. When you look for supplements at the store, you should read the labels and see how much Vitamin C is in the supplement, and how it works. You should avoid time released supplements of Vitamin C, as they haven’t been proven to work as well yet. As long as you monitor your intake of Vitamin C and use it on a daily basis, you’ll find that your health and immune system will be better than ever.

What is power crunch? How can we prepare this?

 September 2008

Power Crunch is crisp wafer filled with tasty protein creme. Power Crunch bars are the favorite for many. These wafer bars are rich in protein and low in sugar and carbohydrate. They have excellent flavor and are different from the usual dense candy type protein bar. Power Crunch bars are better than fast food or sugary snacks. They serve as a great nutritional bar.
Power Crunch Bars are available in different flavors. The different power crunch available are Power Crunch s & Creme, Power Crunch Triple Chocolate, Power Crunch Cinnamon Bun, Power Crunch Peanut Butter Fudge, Power Crunch Wild Berry Creme, Power Crunch French Vanilla Wafer s, etc. 1 Bar of power crunch provides 170 Calories, 8g Fat, 8g Carbohydrates, 1g Dietary Fiber, 4g Sugars and 14g Protein.
Power Crunch bars have very sugary, chocolate taste that is similar to real chocolate wafer s. Power Crunch does not have the thick hard protein that is seen in most bars. The chocolate wafer style is soft and almost crumbles in your mouth. Power Crunch is a very healthy high protein candy bar rather than other protein bars. They're crispy and delicious with a really nice chocolate taste. Power Crunch Bars are creme filled wafer s that taste just like a real . It contains high quality Proto Whey, and almost no sugar but very tasty. It does not have too much fat in it and has a bit less protein and carbohydrate.
What power crunch? prepare this? We can prepare power crunch using Protein Blend that consists of Proto Whey and milk protein isolate; Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil and/or Cottonseed Oil; Enriched Flour consisting of wheat flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin and folic acid); Sugar; Partially Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Oil; Dextrose; Nonfat Milk Powder; Natural & Artificial Flavors; Lecithin; Wheat Starch; Soy Lecithin; Monoglycerides; Sucralose; Artificial Color (titanium dioxide); Salt; Baking Soda; Cocoa; Corn Flour; Whey; and required flavor. Thus power crunch is made of rich ingredients.
Proto Whey is the key ingredient that makes Power Crunch so much better. Proto Whey is a micro peptide protein supplement designed specifically to fulfill the entire spectrum of bolic requirements for optimum human health and performance. The superior nutritional value of Proto Whey is d on two new proprietary components; a super reduced molecular sized component responsible for extremely high di and tri peptide , and micronized SoftPsil fiber technology which creates synergistic functions naturally enhancing protein absorption and intestinal health. Proto Whey is a revolutionary new form of dietary protein. Its Micro Peptides are designed exactly to specifications of human bolism. Hence, Proto Whey makes Power Crunch Bars your only choice for a perfect protein energy snack.
The power crunch bars are high protein energy snack engineered for the human race. The power crunch tastes amazing and makes a great between meal snacks. Power crunch is high protein low carbohydrate snack, with perfect Proto Whey protein. The power crunch is very tasty and light. The wafers give it a nice ure and crunch. This is an ideal super bar because it tastes really good, and it's light and easy to digest. They are much tastier with better nutrition. In fact the power crunch is a great meal replacement bar/snack or a great feast after a light to moderate workout.